Thursday, March 5, 2009

POYi Multimedia & Editing Judging

Almost finished with a week of judging POYi - Multimedia and Editing. It's been a long week and a lot of entries. Comment on Multimedia - if the future of photojournalism is in multimedia we are all in trouble as most of what is being produced is self aggrandizing, poorly edited, doesn't have a target audience in mind or understand what the audience is and most critically is way, way, way too long. Unless you have something really special to say nothing should be more than 4 minutes. After 4 minutes you are producing television, not multimedia. Remember, if your publication was giving you page space in print to tell the story you would be precise and edit carefully. Why when you present a story on the web is everything verbose, empty and endless? Just because you have more space and time do you have to use it? Get real, no one is going to watch this stuff.